Channel: Stuart H. Smith » U.S. Congress
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Landmark ruling in Italy: Cell phones can lead to tumors

It's a question that has hovered since people started using mobile phones more than two decades ago: Can your cell phone make you seriously ill? Specifically, can the radiofrequency energy that's...

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America’s fracking wars are coming to a head

America’s fracking wars are coming to a head. Increasingly, everyday people are seeing the risks of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of shale-rock formations to get the oil and natural gas that’s...

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Why build a new pipeline when we can’t stop the old ones from blowing up?

The irony is almost too much to bear. This week, Senate Republicans voted to approve a bill to President Obama's desk that would mandate the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline -- the project that...

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The Supreme Court’s mercury poisoning

There's been a lot of excitement about the U.S. Supreme Court as it wrapped up its 2014-15 session, and understandably so. On Friday, many people took to the streets in celebration when the High Court...

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The GOP practically asks for another Deepwater Horizon

The Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf five years ago sure exposed a lot of holes in the current system. By that, I certainly mean holes in our system of environmental regulations, as BP was...

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